NWPS would like to introduce our newest volunteer: Aurora Hicks Beach from London, England.
Aurora has been here less than two months and is already volunteering with various organizations around the city. She is excited to be able to experience the city while still being able to be so close to nature. She has already gone out on a few hiking and diving trips and is excited to take advantage of all the outdoor activities BC has to offer!
Aurora has an undergrad in Animal Behaviour & Biodiversity and is interested in getting more involved with marine conservation. You can thank her for a few of the interesting marine species reports that will be added to our online species reports page soon.
Aurora came to NWPS to learn the ins and outs of how NGO’s operate. She has already been very helpful in the office by assisting with writing grant applications. We are excited to see more of her around the office!
If you or someone you know may be interested in volunteering with us, please visit https://northwestwildlife.com/volunteer/ for more information.